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Adaptation of the engineers in the development team

We believe first impressions last. Developing successful digital products always entails teamwork. Onboarding is the first taste a new team member gets of our company culture and work processes - it’s our chance to show them they’ve made the right choice.

If your company has someone in charge of employee well-being, then the introduction of the engineer to the company starts with them. If not, it’s a good idea to take the initiative with a team leader or immediate supervisor. An indispensable tool is a one-on-one meeting.

We kick off with a one-on-one coffee talk on the first day. This talk is an opportunity to learn about newcomer hobbies and preferences and show the human face of our company.

Like many others, we use checklists to make sure we don't miss anything. In the Vallex team, this is an important procedure, not a formality. Each new employee is assigned a "mentor". This role is fulfilled by an experienced colleague who helps the newcomer navigate the first weeks in the company. In the long run, the mentor's help helps the newcomer to adapt more easily among colleagues.

We also introduce the new colleague to the team, sharing a few interesting things about them to help break the ice. As the new colleague gets immersed in their work, we ensure there’s a continuous feedback loop. This helps us understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

It is very important to brief the newcomer on the technology landscape. About the team processes, including roles, responsibilities and expectations. If the company has an established mentoring practice, inform the new engineer of the opportunities available. He or she will be very grateful and will take a chance!

Vallex 5th Birthday Event

Vallex 5th Birthday Event

We also make sure to invite the new team member to informal events, whether they’re online poker Fridays or offline sporting activities. These interactions help new employees to feel more comfortable and part of the team.

At Vallex, we see onboarding not as a one-time event but as an ongoing process. The Vallex team strives to make each new employee's transition into the company as smooth and enjoyable as possible. When our employees succeed, the entire company succeeds.

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